■ Creative and patent structure of multiple seal technology.
■ Creative and patent technical structure of special seal.
■ Patent technical structure with the advantage of high flow capacity,
low pressure drop and iMPact resistance.
■ The main body of the connectors is processed with steel hardenin
treatment with the advantages of strong and durable.
■ High wearing resistant and oil proof seal prevent leakage.
■ Operated by one-hand, could connect to the hose or cut off no m
any tools.
■ 独创多重密封专利技术结构。
■ 独创异形密封圈专利技术结构。
■ 气源通道专利技术结构,高流量、低压降、防撞击。
■ 主体钢硬化处理,坚固耐用。
■ 单手操作,不需要工具就能实现管路连通或断开。
■ 产品符合GB/T系列标准,可以于工业市场上的同类产品互换。